Defeat from the very jaws of victory. Making the card again, thought I got
it right. I maybe haven't? I can log in with it, but only when the password
for the card matches the password for the user. They should be separate,
because the card pin is just to verify you can access the certs, which are
then used to actually log into the device. Right? Anyway, it was all SHAC
all the time today.
Had the meeting about SHAC. It was this meeting that basically crushed my
hopes again. Joe asked "what about that password issue" because I thought I
had it all set. I reset the password to prove it was okay, and it wasn't.
Did the shopping.
Saw my parents.
Came back, checked sites.
Did Tina's with the others, internet connection held up, we're looking for
the last few collectables.
Went to see iMac guy. It's 9 years old, his 5400rpm drive isn't doing so
hot. And his printer is squishing his text in an odd way. It's not making it
smaller propotionally it's squishing it vertically only. Very odd.
Came back here. Ate lunch.
Checked sites.
Did some stuff around the house, it's nice out so I doubt my parents will
come over.
Did the paperwork.
Then went out to do more weeding. That ground cover stuff, lilly of the
valley? It's really springing up. Cut it back again, and pulled more weeds
with little white flowers. Found some stick tight as my mother calls it too.
Played some Back 4 Blood.
Had dinner.
Finished up Darling in the Fraxx. I was missing 4 episodes. Odd.
Did some Tales.
Checked sites.
Made pie.
Finally turned on the supposed BSOD laptop to let it run the movie a few
times, see if it does so. It ran all day, no issues at all. I still think
it's her old drive I put into it that was making it BSOD personally. I'll
run it more and see.
Backed up my site, haven't done that in a bit.
More Tales. Trying to get all the missions done before beating the game. I
found the extra owls, beat up the last few creatures that gave me problems
before, and it looks like only the last dungeon is left.
More SHAC, but good news. I figured out a few things, that either Chris just
never ran into because he did it a certain way and I didn't? Or it's changed
now or something. Anyway, finally at 2:00 I had the two cards done, they
could log in properly without the password issue from before, the cards were
pretty much the same as the SHAC cards we got from the real customer before,
and they could do the usual stuff like scan and email. Hope I never have to
do that again! I made new templates on the server to make it easier in the
future, and rewrote the directions as well. Thanks, Chris!
Found more stuff in the trash. Candy that doesn't "expire" until next year,
a whole box of donuts, and a few more sandwiches. Broke my mug too, so I
figured it was going to be that kind of day. Turned out okay though.
Went to see the guy down the street. He just spelled his own name wrong,
twice, in the setup email.
Came back here, checked sites. Ate dinner. More playing movie on the laptop.
Two calls, going to york after the vet tomorrow.
And guy with the email problem. His web guy says it's google so... sure. He
set up a new email but didn't give the guy the password? Really? Nor does he
know the portal address so.
Then some Tina's with the others.
Back to not having much to do at work. Don't worry, plenty to do in the
coming days, possibly as early as next week.
Looked over some documentation for a new feature, sadly it didn't tell us
much we didn't already know. The parts we don't know were "TBD." Yeah
thanks, leave the hard parts out why don't you.
Finished a chapter, started another.
Brought the kitties in, no problems there. Squeaker is much more laid back
than Tinker.
Then went over to York. Did someone change the settings for some reason? One
of their units didn't work anymore. I put it back on DNS and it was fine.
Back here I checked my sites, got ready for tomorrow. Sean wants to do more
Back 4 Blood.
Made my calls. Talked to website guy, he made a new email though I doubt
that will help. Why would google filter his incoming mail but just delete
it? It's the site, it's got to be. Anyway, after an hour he finally figured
out his own writing and got the password put in properly. So at least that's
set up.
Just in time to play.
Got in the stack of cards we ordered so for the whole morning I worked on
them. Getting the labels printed for them, getting the certs off them. Now I
need to make the users, put the certs on the server, and test them all. I
mean I'm sure it would work, every single one, but Joe wants them tested.
Oh, learned Don is leaving very soon. Big surprise to, uh, everybody. Did he
just wake up one day and decide he's done? So we're losing Don, Joe, and Ted
at the beginning of next year. Great. That's a lot of knowledge out the
Then in the afternoon it was fax time. I got a new build of that, so I did
the full test. At least most of the full test, one guy sent a picture of the
printer UI to turn off a certain printed sheet but I couldn't find it on the
device. At the end of the day I decided to check out 5.6 maybe it's there?
But fax won't enable on that device, of course. Neat. So I get to write that
up tomorrow.
Found more salad in the trash, but it smelled funny. Date was only
yesterday. Maybe it was there overnight? I thought the guy only came in the
morning. Odd. It's in the composter now.
Went to my after work job. Pulled in. Remembered that she wanted 5:30
because Stewart wasn't going to be home until then. Drove back home. Checked
sites, ate dinner. Went back there. Didn't have anything too hard to deal
with. Came back here.
Got ready for tomorrow.
Quite busy today.
The developers that took the 930 card were having some trouble with it. Go
figure. They were all like "I don't know if this was made right" and I was
all like "yeah, I don't know if I made it right either so what do you want
from me?" But!!! I did have a theory. A card theory. Thanks for
watching. As the tool is so similar to the SHAC tool maybe I had to do
something similar for that? Well, time to make a second card I guess.
Naturally, the software didn't work. I had to remove it and reload it. I
hate windows so much. Anyway, that worked, and I made a new card. Got the
old card back, and erased it, remaking it too. Hopefully that works out
better for them.
Did more of the fax testing, finished that up. Sorta. I wasn't sure if I had
the right steps or expected results, emailed the group to ask. Didn't get a
full answer though. I did get back "I hope you were using .13900 version!"
Uh, no, that doesn't exist yet it's only .13800 is the latest. So maybe
tomorrow I can repeat that part of the test and see what it does for me.
Had the usual meetings of course. Did the plants.
Wrote up a new procedure for making the cards based on the latest info I
have. I also wrote up a document explaining the tabs in the certificate
templates so the next poor sucker (who will be me) to have to do this gets a
refresher/crash course.
What else? I don't know, you want more? I had some small donuts those were
nice. Nothing in the trash today. Christina put the cards into the database
and started testing them. Thanks!
Came back here, checked sites, ate dinner.
Won Tales. But there's more to do. It's a game that never ends.
So what's going on in the future? You ask. More fax testing tomorrow, maybe
I'll take some of those cards to test, we'll have to see. The onedrive app
is getting pushed back I guess, so that's good. Seeing my parents, maybe
xbox with the others? Sean is talking about doing the side missions we
didn't do in the Miracle game next week, nothing this week.
But Saturday should be the emberhaven game. Not much else but that.
Not much more of May to go. Hope it's treating you right and I'll see you
all back here next week.