The now usual at work, some bug investigation. No voice stuff. Wrote two
bugs for the card I can't log in with. Supposedly it works for someone else,
but he checked his user information against mine (and I tried every
combination I could think of) and they matched, so I'm at a loss. I can't
take his word for it, so I got the logs and said you guys figure it out. As
far as I'm concerned the card can't log in and it's a bug.
Got a chapter done, rescued the princess. And now my dragon warrior has a
new dragon buddy. So I guess he's a dragon friend and not a dragon warrior?
It was originally called dragon quest anyway, I guess that's not macho
enough for the US so they had to change it.
Shopping, saw my parents and had two kinds of pie. So there.
Came back, put stuff away, checked sites, put in my half paycheck from the
week I had off (I did get my unemployment so that's a plus).
Then did game. Got through sort of half of it, but then a card was played so
we'll do the final stage next time instead of the third of five.
Ordered Oliver's medicine.
Checked sites.
Left for my 10:00. To the surprise of no one involved; it was a line
problem. Her phone works. She says her TV works. But the internet speed
topped out at 1mb/sec like we were still using 14.4 modems so a technician
is coming to the house tomorrow. So I have to go back to make sure
everything still okay after I see my favorite person tomorrow. Yay? Spent
almost an hour on the phone with Spectrum, she was quite nice, still 1/10,
would not recommend. Get greenlight.
Finally did the soldering job. I think I did pretty good, and what do you
know? The controller feels and works perfectly again. I didn't even have to
unsolder everything I thought, as it turns out the solder is just holding
the main part in place. It's the little things on the side that register the
movement. So I can just bend them a little out of the way, remove the
center, and put a new one in. As it was so easy I looked into just buying a
couple more of the things for this controller. Seems like I can get them, I
think they're the same, but I got some with new caps on the top as these
look like they have a larger, plastic post, so the old caps wouldn't fit.
They were smaller, metal posts. For 5.99 I'll try it. (Plus shipping and
tax, of course, which doubled the price, sigh.) If I can make this other
controller work again too I can sell it or maybe have a spare.
Had two hours until game. Cleaned up a bit, watched movies. Did some
warframe to further check the controller, and it's perfect.
Did game. Beat up the mutant kids, non-lethal wasn't working too well but at
least I didn't kill any of them myself. We won't play that game for another
month it seems.
And then stayed up way too late playing warframe.
After I finally got up I made a pie. Still have three bags, have to use them
up. I think I missed a month or two, but I think I'll still have them eaten
before the new berries come in.
Then worked on printing the next sword blade. Made it longer to accommodate
the longer bed and hopefully print less pieces. Seems okay so far. (It's
been printing for two minutes or so...)
Took about 2 hours, and it looks good! Here's the old one, and the new one
for comparison. At this size I'll only need 3 more for the "bottom" part and
1 longer one I'll print sideways for the longest part, with the tip.
Oh, can't print another one because it would take too long. Thanks for
ruining everything again, Ellen! Now to find a tiny dowel that can go in
there and I can have something to glue it to and hopefully keep it from
breaking into pieces like the last one. Of course making it less pieces will
also already help that.
At least the cable lady called and said her cable guy came and got it all
working. Yay! So I just have to go over there and get my check. I guess it
still wasn't entered into the system, despite me doing so over the phone?
Great. So I just need to get the check from her.
Played some warframe, trying to do that last single player mission.
Went to Ellen. She's not feeling well or something, so it wasn't too
annoying as she wasn't hanging around. My version of Numbers wouldn't open
the document (sigh) but I learned the website can open and save as different
formats so I uploaded it (all 350mb) and tried to save it as excel. Nope,
didn't support the pictures. Really? So I saved it as PDF not seeing how to
make it landscape but it did that by itself? Yay? So I burned that to CD for
her. Not ideal, I would have preferred the spreadsheet version but I have to
take what I can get.
Came back, started the next print as it was only 5:00 by that time. Ate
dinner, did some Sunday stuff. It also came out well, they should fit
together and work perfectly. I'm pretty happy about the whole thing.
Did one warframe mission. Called farm lady, no answer and her mailbox is
full. No other calls.
Got ready for tomorrow, and did (you guessed it) more warframe with the
others. I can finish the sands mission, and I'll have to try the music
mission again because I got killed "too many times." Uh huh.
Most exciting thing that was work related was Kevin calling me to discuss
the results from months ago about the barcode reader. That was it.
Otherwise worked on the next adventure, should be fairly straightforward,
and did some writing.
I know, pretty boring.
After work job was boring as well. She didn't want all her stuff moved, just
some pdfs from her desktop. And I installed the usual stuff and took off
McAfee. Didn't take me 20 minutes. Probably took me longer to drive there.
As I passed Jo-Anne's I stopped in for a dowel. Got the dowel. The exact
right size for the sword. Good thing it wasn't any smaller, that one was the
smallest they had. I think it'll work out great.
Came back here, it was 5:00 so I started the next piece printing. Should
have both "bottom" pieces done by tonight, if it only takes two hours.
Checked sites, videos, the usual for Monday.
Didn't think I had any calls, but still managed to try and get a Mac working
with a printer for over an hour. A Mac! What the heck? It's the guy from a
half hour away, so I have to go back there. He somehow had like 6 printers
in his list, and he says deleting them and re-adding the only one he has
still brings up the error. I'll need to delete the underlying folder and get
the OS to download it again. Stupid HP. Why do you have to mess up
Can't find the glue I know I had. I'm sure I just used it, I recall going up
to get it, and using it, but not what I used it on or where I put it after
that! AArg.
Print working out though, four perfect prints!
Gaming? Not sure, no one responded. Nope.
But warframe. Glued the prints together, looks good and much easier than
Now in addition to wondering where my glue went to, I'm left wondering where
my new SD card reader went to, that came with the Ender 3. Why would it be
anywhere but right here? Right, it wouldn't. But yet... And yet... where is
Did a little bit of card stuff, turns out I hadn't put the root cert in "all
the right places" because it has to be in three separate places to work? Not
just one. Of course it does. So got that figured out, which solved the D2.9
problem but not the D4.0 problem of it not accepting the password.
Otherwise streamlined my villain for the game and made sure it all made
sense (to me at least) and finished another chapter. 40,000 words about
Dragon Warrior. Not bad. Still more to come.
Went and did the printer thing. Took a bit longer than I wanted it to, but
not too long. I was home by 5:30, which isn't bad for a half hour drive.
Stupid HP.
Came back, made the longer sword piece with tip, so it's going to be 6 total
parts instead of 10. Nice. The glue I did find seems to be holding, the
sword is coming along nicely.
Checked sites, ate dinner. No calls today, yay. Oh, I should call the farm
lady. No answer but at least her mailbox wasn't full.
Got some backgrounds and chibi's around for the game. Or not, I was doing
stuff and getting the sword piece out and Sean wanted to do Warframe. It's
fine, I have two days just to find some things.
Oh, and farm lady called SHE also wants me back so it's another half an hour
drive there and back. So yay. But she wants next week, so I guess that's
fine? The week my parents are away. I guess that doesn't matter, just odd to
make it that far out. But she is the boss.
Same song today at work, as in no song. Talked with Gina about a release she
was trying to load. Talked with some developer or somebody about the card I
had sent some time ago, they can't log in with it.
That was about it.
A bit of thinking about game, to make sure everything was in place, and
wrote another chapter.
Came home, looks like the glue put the sword blade together nicely. It's a
little... not straight? But eh, it's better than the old one. I'm gluing the
hilt a bit and I want to fill it in, I'll post a picture of the whole thing
Otherwise the normal stuff. Checked sites, videos, ate dinner, and got the
maps and minis around for the game. I think I'm set, but I still have one
day to be sure.
Did some warframe stuff on my own, because I have more single player
missions. Stupid, stupid, single player missions.
The fix didn't work so we couldn't do multiplayer stuff.
My replacement parts came for the little thumbsticks. Guess what? What?
They don't fit. Apparently, and who knew this, but xbox official analog
joystick uses a slightly different part than the 3d party one I am trying to
replace. Oh, the difference is quite small, but it's enough so that the part
doesn't fit. Thanks, to everyone involved.
Lost power again today I guess. Strange, that keeps happening.
The usual stuff for today, but perhaps the last plant watering mission.
Everyone is coming back, on some kind of rotating schedule because that's
somehow better than just keeping everyone safe at home. Honestly, it's been
a year and a half. Work from home works. Leave it alone. When restrictions
are relaxed in a population, virus goes in in population. That's how it
works! And it's still a week until my second shot. Well, not that I'll be
near anyone but still. It's stupid.
Meetings, writing, we should be getting some VersaLink stuff maybe next
week. And Joe wants us to find out what clonable on Versa. As if we didn't
know, but we can do it.
Came back here, sites, movies. Totally not putting the new parts in. Sigh.
I'll get ready for tomorrow, the usual Thursday stuff.
Tomorrow more of the same Friday stuff. I won't need gas, but will need
groceries. Seeing my parents, and running game. Should be much more
straightforward than last week. Up to a point anyway. We'll see how they
deal with it.
Let's look to the weekend:
Working on Sean's Christmas gift. I have a good base to start from,
ironically, can't say more but I got really, really lucky on this one.
Paperwork from last month.
Painting the sword blade. Filling the cracks on the handle. Hopefully won't
have to reprint the whole thing, it's been dropped many times so it's not in
the best of shape.
No jobs!
Having my parents over for movie.
Well, that's the plan!
Why are a golf cart and whatever you call those off road four wheelers
tooling down the street? Is that... legal? Huh.
Anyway, that's me signing off this week. Hope it was a good one for you and
we'll see you back here next time. It's cat week, so I'll be getting up a
bit earlier a few days. Not a problem. Bye until then!