Went ahead and cut down the matrix John had given me yesterday. He had 100% more work for himself because he programmed half the jobs incorrectly. I felt that was unneeded, because if you're going to program the job wrong, don't come crying to us when it doesn't work. Another group was dual staple, which should be the same as hole punch, no? So they went. I cut it down quite a bit.
And ran it. Watched our CEO's webcast, he's a bit of a ham, actually. His mic went dead so they handed him a old school style one and he just starts singing "you never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips…" He made other jokes too, not sure how I feel about that.
Eh, I'm not an employee, I don't have to have an opinion.
Went to the lunch to say goodbye to someone going back to India. And I think they got extended another two weeks? Odd.
I've had a necromancer character bouncing around in my head for some time, wrote up his stats. He came out pretty good. I want to do a Pyre game to play him! But I'll probably have to just write a book about him. Who could he fight though? There have been "good" necromancers, that book with the bell guy, don't recall the title now though. It was pretty good.
Stopped at my parent's house, petted a Gabe, and did the shopping.
Back here I finished up Anton Bulevar (that's his name) and checked my sites. Reached one person from yesterday but still only the one job for tomorrow. Yay.
I'll start on the crafting stuff I want to do.
Got up and got to work!
Started the coin project, made sure I could cut the holes at the right size and glued some cardboard together to serve as the backing.
Left for the iMac job. He had an iMac! And as I suspected, no flash drive. He thought an SD card was a flash drive. Not so! Of course it was running 8.6 which for those of you that recall the good/bad old days of the Mac know that it doesn't recognize flash drives. Given there was no software on it (fetch, to be specific) I couldn't FTP the files either. Tearing it apart it is!
Then he had an ancient emachines he had pictures on as well, but at least it was XP. It knew what a flash drive was.
So I carried the stuff upstairs for him because I'm a nice guy like that, and that was that.
Came back here, painted the backing, ate lunch, checked my sites, painted some of Sean's birthday present.
Put the coin project together and found a place to hang it. Nice!
More painting of Sean's gift.
Cut the front lawn. I'm thinking of planting some flowers in that square section that's just growing the weeds now. Much prettier. Probably have to wait until next year though.
More layers of paint.
Ate dinner.
More painting. Sean's birthday present is done. Don't have to worry about that anymore. Now for his christmas gift…
Watched the gamers 2 for no reason. I want to game again.
And finally writing.
Mostly writing today, got two chapters done! Yes!
Also took a walk to see about the seed pods, still not ready yet. I'll probably check them in a week, they don't seem to be maturing that fast.
Was on the phone at 11:00-12:00 getting a printer reloaded for a guy. Twenty minutes to go to the website and open the team viewer application. Twenty Minutes. What, does it take you ten minutes to decide shirt goes on top, pants go on bottom in the morning? I mean if you can't open a website 34 years after the advent of the "modern" computer, I have to wonder what you CAN do? I mean you just have to type a couple of letters in the place I tell you to type them. How is that hard?
Worked more on plot for the new book.
Had the usual meeting in the morning. Wait, wasn't that a tuesday meeting? Huh. Anyway, not much else to do and even Chris was saying he was at a loose end. Odd. Picked up "scan to completion" and wrote one bug. Actually wrote one other one in the morning, my tablet was in a bad state when I first came in.
Didn't quite complete the scan tests. I was thinking about plot for the yet unnamed book. Got a few good encounters I think.
Went over to second work, and just as I suspected he had simply turned his icons off. The way he was talking the world was ending, but no, it was just "boop" and it was back. Sigh.
Came back here, sites, dinner, looked to see if there were berries to pick. There are not.
Made my calls, I had a few, but at least this guy didn't take 20 minutes to open team viewer.
Did some writing, got a little more than a third of the next chapter written.
Finished up the last of the scan to completion tests, there were not that many actually.
The first chapter of the new book was clawing to get out, but of course I didn't indulge it. I just locked it up, deep inside. Where it was pacing like a trapped cat. Poor kitty.
Instead I did important work, like upgrading my machine pointlessly, and looking for another machine, that isn't available until the 6th. Hey, it's August by the way, just thought you should know.
Came back home, no job. Had two calls, so I have two new appointments. A slow machine a half hour from work, nearly to Sean's house, and flash drive guy who now can't get the pictures onto his memory card or something? I don't know, again, trying to get people to explain their problems is hardly worth it.
Sites, dinner.
Made the calls, then finished chapter 27. Maybe 1-2 more chapters and it's off to the next world. After I write a book about a necromancer. Yeah.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. More goofing off- I mean important work, no doubt.
I did serious, serious work today. I wrote it twice, that's how serious you know I got. Today. Doing serious work.
Not writing chapter 28 and part of chapter 2, no. Working on work. Things. Work things. All day.
Went to half an hour away guy. Turned out his problem was Panda of all things. Odd, I give that to people. Obviously not win10 machines, but still. It wasn't moving along at all, but the task manager didn't record anything happening either. Strange, I thought to myself. Very strange.
Turned it off, and the machine sprang back to life. Nice.
Got back by 6:00, one hang up, so no calls tonight. Thank you.
Did the usual, got ready to write the big battle. It's 6 people against an unholy chosen that can do magic, the demon lord of devils, the demon lord of raiju, a gigante, and a dragon. I'm sure they'll be fine.
They've got Jace!
Got more tablet work and an intro to refubing the tablets in case John is out and they need to be done. They are really crappy, coming back in droves. Like 40 a day? Sheesh, I guess that's what going with the lowest bidder gets you, eh Red X?
Anyway, certainly did not finish chapter 2 of Plutonian Shore in the morning, but certainly did start the simple reliability as requested by Gina in the afternoon. So fun. Remembered my tool, I need a pause button and a way to jump to an entry so the timer is right.
I got through I think 30/200, there were meetings today and lots of work coming next month-ish.
Opened my big mouth and gave advice to install an SSD so a coworker decided I should do that for them. I don't mind. What I do mind is that after doing the clone and rebooting the system with the SSD it decided it wasn't going to boot anymore! I stayed an extra 45 minutes trying to troubleshoot it, and then brought it home. Sigh.
Went over to the SD card guy. Somehow he broke off the write protect tab, so the card is useless. Or was it that way from the start? Who can say?
He also went on about how the finder had changed, uh, no, it hasn't changed behavior since X came out.
He also lost the content of all the folders on his desktop. I found over 2,000+ files (and 3,000+ photos) in a folder in his home folder with a weird name. What is he doing?
Came back, had 3 calls, reached 2. Ordered a larger SSD for someone with an old MacBook, (160GB drive stock) and reassured artist iMac guy that if you don't let people randomly from the internet on your computer, you'll be fine. Honestly, how does that scam keep working? Maybe a billboard- "Neither Apple nor Microsoft will call you about your PC. Do not call random #s that show up on your screen either!"
Ran CCleaner and Mbam on the laptop when I got home. Redid the clone, and that seems to have worked. I'm now letting it install 118 updates. *shakes head* No, sorry, 114, not 118. My mistake. It's at 80 so it's getting there.
But enough about the bizarre antics of people, let's look to the future.
No appointments yet for Saturday, so I may do some painting for Adam and Kate.
Otherwise, no parents tomorrow, so just bank, shopping.
Hopefully finishing chapter 29, the final battle. Sunday I'll walk down to see about the seed pods again, hopefully do work on Sean's christmas gift, and put more comics into the iPad. I haven't done that in so long.
Hope you all had a good week, enjoy August, I'll see you next time.