7 of the 10 bugs today. What, exactly, are my 5 work companions doing down there in the other lab? Having a lot of parties? Because it ain't actually working.
Did I tell you the story of how the cards I was keeping an iron grip on got lost my by boss in less than 24 hours? Well, the card reader, currently the only one we have, got flashed with staples software and can't go back. Naturally this also happened apart from my watchful eye. So that's now useless to us.
Honestly, I can't let anything out of my sight without it being ruined or lost. What gives?
So that's what I did all day. Write bugs. You know, my job. Which ends in a month and a half by the way, though it's too early to be expecting renewal talk yet. Remember last year, how we left it to the last minute I couldn't get back in the building that one day? Ah, good times. Good times.
Went shopping, bank was closed, something about veterans? Sure, that's a good reason. No mail either. But I did get the LED light bar for the arcade machine and hooked it up. Sweet!
Had dinner with my parents, came back here, made calls. iMac guy "unplugged something" from his iMac and now it won't go on? Marvelous. New one for tomorrow.
Still bitterly cold, snow didn't melt all day. At least not a lot of it. Still green trees!
Checked my sites, but the light bar in, got ready for tomorrow, ordered more stuff for Christmas. That was about it.
About what I expected today, with no melting of snow to accompany it.
Accompony it?
Setting up the new machine went fine. Ancient, ancient PC. Still had PATA hard drives, and they are a PITA. But he was pleased, and I moved on.
Second one was fairly quick, just checking it over after they scammed themselves. Honestly, these scammers hardly have to make an effort. People do it to themselves.
Back here for lunch, put together the 11 minutes or so of "stolen car." Not sure how the car comes into it, or why that guy shot that other guy, or who the cop was. Very confusing. Well, maybe if a whole tape hadn't been destroyed by the shoddy camera work that was performed, those questions could have been answered. We'll never know.
Out again for iMac guy. He apparently didn't know how to turn it on. Yeah, try the power switch? He had made some progress in not sucking. Good job!
Back here I did my paperwork. What little of it there was.
Then cleaned the house a bit.
Ate dinner.
Worked on the graphics for the game store.
And then watched more pony episodes. None as good as the one with Pear Butter. Sorry.
Got right to work early, early, so early in the morning or maybe it was 9:00 who can tell?
Decided to finish the book, way to procrastinate on the game. Anyway, proofed the rest of book 3, put the edits in, and made three new revisions. Was working on the hardcover version when book guy showed up.
Two hours later we were yet to finish but I had to get someplace, so I shoved him out.
Got the guy's radio back, and got his phone hooked up to the stereo system. So at least that much got accomplished.
Went back to doing the covers. Ordered just one hardcover. We'll see how the flaps and such look, then when I know they're okay I'll get the rest. The cut off for the text seems to be in two different places depending on where you look, so at nearly $20 apiece it's not something I want to order 6 of and find out they're wrong.
Ate dinner.
Did more christmas shopping. Have to love the internet, you just have to.
Looked at the LCD again. Is it getting better? Maybe there was moisture in it? Very odd.
Whoops, spoke too soon. It's back to being terrible again. Sigh.
Poked around at work. Wrote two very minor bugs and thought that would be it for the day. Hardly worth it. But then! Oh, gentle readers, but then!
Remember not long ago when I was trying to unlock that phone for the lady that (stupidly) erased it at the same time as she lost control of her google account? She never did get back to me if that finally got resolved. Huh. Anyway, I recalled a technique and wondered, "hey, could I use that technique to- yup." So that was a fairly major bug at the very end. You could totally break out of our apps and back to the android stuff. A big no-no.
So I feel I was justified today.
Printed out a new, stiffer, arcade marquee. Looks good.
Went to go reset some passwords for a lady. She was running 2 antivirus programs for some bizarre reason, took out McAfee. She had already gotten a refund from them somehow? I don't even… oh, and it was a crappy XP laptop. She had an original bandi blue iMac sitting there too, I remember that! What a piece of junk!
Got home after 6:00, I hate driving in the dark. Oh look, four calls? At least one was the guy I was just at saying he liked the machine. Whew. I thought he had screwed it up already but no. Thank goodness.
So I've now booked not only the rest of this week, but all of Saturday as well. I can't even stop home to eat lunch, I'm going to have to bring it with me. I haven't done that in ages.
Setting up a printer for a Mac user (uh, just plug it in. Come on, did you even try?)
A cleanout.
And a possible dead machine and me selling the PC I won't get until Friday. Ha!
Then iMac guy.
Is it Christmas yet?
I did take delivery of some gifts already, yes I did, yes I did. Now if I can just get some stuff for my sister, my shopping would basically be done.
So there were eight bugs written today. Again, a few serious ones where you could break out of the app just by touching someplace on the screen. Guess who wrote them all? That's right, me. I wrote all eight of the eight bugs created today.
I have 5 co-workers over in the other lab. What are they DOING over there? Because it's not testing.
In any case that was somewhat boring.
Came back here, got the corrections done by 5:30 (that's another hour and a half for those keeping track at home, meaning 3.5 hours on this crap) and then he wanted me to print one, so he sat and babysat my printer in the basement for more than a half hour. He came up and was talking smack about how his cruddy printer was so much faster than mine. I'm pretty sure that's because you don't check "double sided" so you can't compare single side speed with double side speed. So... yeah.
One call, film guy, sorry, saturday is already booked. And he wants the special effects put in. Dude, it's one tape short of a movie. It's SD. Some of it isn't even in focus. The title is "stolen car" but no car features in it. Nobody talks about a car. It's a terrible mess. Give it up.
Did not book Sunday, helped someone drag the corner of their firefox window back to being useful. Why do programs even let you have a minimum size that small? It's stupid.
No change in the LCD department. Even took the freaking thing apart, just to see if it might be a loose connection or something. Nope. It's just busted. it looks really bad. For normal use it would be fine. Most old school arcade games have a singular background color though.
Got ready for tomorrow, put the pony movie up on the big screen. Great animation, and it seems their world is much larger than we thought. Cat people? Other pony races? Weird… whatever the storm king was? Sure, why not?
Got the new build today, and the card reader works again. Yay. Verified some bugs, wrote up only two more. One only fairly serious. Hey, there's only a week left, how about that?
Got to my after work job. Went quite long, stupid windows. Hooking up her tv and such was fine, but her laptop was just so slow!
Got back after 7:00, no arcade box. Grr. Some christmas presents came though.
Talked some people through things, ate dinner, checked my sites, oh look it's time for bed.
Need to get my leaves at some point. Forecast doesn't look like it's going to cooperate though. At least I didn't add any more jobs to the end of this week.
I am somewhat disappoint.
My arcade stick came today, the thing is one tiny circuit board. It's so cute! Anyway, while it has 2 copies of the simpsons, 6 copies of street fighter, and a bunch of games I've never heard of, it doesn't seem to have the classics. Galaga. Pig Out. Pengo. Bump 'n jump. Etc. It DOES have the sailor moon game! Yay! It runs a bit slowly though, while most of the other games are pretty good. Now I've only looked through the list briefly, and many of the games are totally mistitled. And there's a tiny preview window, complete with a mouse pointer in some cases. *Shakes head*
But it's here and it works. Now to get the rest of the thing working. Oh, and it has like three crystal castles, so figure that out. The games aren't in alphabetical order either. They're just sort of random. Odd. I'm gonna have to make a spreadsheet. (Twilight Sparkle would be so proud of me for saying that. She loves lists)
Pretty boring at work, nothing major written up. I did update my website, at least the text part, I haven't uploaded it yet.
Tearing the laptop apart wasn't too bad, only took me until a little after 5:00.
Got the next PC in, so I set that up. Hope I sell it Saturday. Not that I'll make that much profit on it. Ah well.
Made my calls, booked Monday of next week, that's how bad it is. Still nothing for Sunday, but another one for Saturday. I see it's going to rain mostly so I figure there won't be much leaf action on that day.
No parents tomorrow, and no Sean saturday, he says he's busy grading. Seems almost plausible. (I kid, I kid the Sean!) So I'll go to the bank, go shopping, then go use my 10% off total order coupon to clean tractor supply out of a few things. Mostly for cats.
Then like 5 jobs on Saturday. Yay.
Tonight I'll probably get those changes to the site uploaded and get ready for tomorrow. Maybe a little more arcade action but who knows.
See you all next week. Have a good Thanksgiving as I won't post again until after the 23rd. Well, I say after, it'll be that night as usual for Thursday.