No work news, but my lab is coming along nicely. Straightened out several boxes worth of solid ink (i.e. wax)
Moving on.
Went to the bank, fairly busy today for some reason. Shopping and then way out to get 75 lbs of cat litter, 16 lbs of dry cat food, and 22 lbs of wet food. I think they're set for a bit?
Over to see my parent's, gave my mother her mother's day gift, because that's how we roll in this family. You'll remember <gift> from a few entries ago? Yeah, I accidentally ordered a keyboard without the keypad on it. You can now go back and read that entry knowing <gift> was a very nice keyboard. She didn't appreciate it until after she actually used it, and was like, hey, this is a nice keyboard.
I know how to pick em!
Back here watched some stuff, went to bed.
Finished up the series I was watching, cleaned up a bit. Then went out to my one appointment for the day.
Got Facebook messenger installed on her tablets, got her correct password put into thunderbird, yeah, just stupid stuff.
Worked on the next chapter for a bit, then more rick and morty.
After that, got gas and went to Sean's. Stayed on task fairly well, but didn't get through the current adventure. We did go with a plan I had suggested last time, so there was that.
Finished up Rick and Morty, had lunch, went out to see book guy. He's still finding stuff and messed up the non-pdf version of the book. Dude, let it go.
Changed his yahoo password, why did someone hack his account and erase his contacts? That just seems odd.
Back here, watched Dr who and finally did that paperwork. So fun.
Car hit 25000 miles, and I need to change the oil. Once it stopped raining, I did so.
Watched some episodes of anime Sean gave me.
Got ready for tomorrow.
You know what happened at work today already, so I won't bother telling you.
I will tell you I straightened up some more, put the things that were related on the shelves next to each other. I know, what kind of radical system is this?
Came back here, got the battery an hour before the guy was supposed to arrive. Popped it in quickly.
Checked my sites, finished chapter 11 (almost half done word count wise) and then watched some more anime.
Just one call, the SSD guy wanting a status. No status yet dude, patience.
Did some work today, and will do a bit more tomorrow. See, when the eip stuff got demonstrated the entire process did not get demonstrated. So when I went to repeat the test on another machine (because mine got taken over by someone for an entire month? Huh? Way to not hog lab resources there, friend. Oh, and it was unplugged when I looked later so huh?) it didn't work. Mitch was asking me stuff like "can you send this file" and "what about this other thing you have no idea about?" so I was like "let's talk to the developer about that!" It's called shifting the blame, look it up.
Anyway, I had NOT gotten the full demonstration and so they had some questions, got to ask "the man" directly, I got to see the entire process. Not that it worked for me, the app he used crashed when I put it on my machine. Go MS. No really, go. Far, far away.
So hopefully he'll have the file I need to put somewhere tomorrow and I can write up the full procedure of how to do this stuff. Ugh.
Otherwise, banged on the keyboard until lots of words which may comprise chapter 12 were put down.
Came back here, watched the rest of DanMatchi, no calls so did not make any. Proofread 12 and thought about 13. Thirteen- and beyond! Half way though, I'm at 41,000 words. And still lots of plot to resolve so what was I worried about?
Did some more investigations into this feature AT&T may not yet have signed any paperwork for. Haven't heard any update about it. Mitch wants to find some way to get the icon on the device without using the official method for getting the icon on the device. For reasons. He asked if the developer could do it, but got back a "we did this development effort and that it, now bug off" message from someone higher up than the developer? Someone. Who knows. I did a bunch of stuff and maybe have an idea how it could work?
Otherwise, banged the keyboard until another 3000+ words were produced, who knows for what.
Very warm today. Over 80. Tomorrow too, then back to 50s. Huh?
Came back here, checked my sites, ate dinner. Posted chapter 99 and 100 of Susan's Chronicles so I put volume 1 up on the site. Updated the homepage to show my progress on Becoming the Villain as I hadn't put that on there at all. Two calls.
Started watching Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty seems a lot better.
Spent the morning working on getting the "backdoor" method of putting pharos on working. Actually got it working! It just takes CWW, a clone file, and adding the machine to pharos but allowing it to fail. Easy!
Naturally Mitch wasn't even in today so I could not bask in his adoration.
Then I did more typing practice. Yeah, that's it.
Out to my appointment, wow first one this week. Or was there one Monday? Ah well, can't go back and look. Anyway, he just had some questions so I answered them.
Then dropped off a machine to SSD guy. Naturally his SSD replacement came today, still no email or anything from them. So, yeah, whatever. Wouldn't get there until Saturday anyway so he can have it.
90s today. Scattered rain tomorrow.
Put the SSD in, installed Win10, updated it. More Gravity Falls was watched. Still not as good as Rick and Morty.
From here on out it's shopping and seeing my parents tomorrow. No calls today (that mattered) so probably returning the PC and maybe other jobs Saturday? Sean wants to do Shadowrun but didn't get back about doing it?
Nothing for Sunday. This time next week it'll be a four day weekend! And almost June.
That's half the year gone. Sheesh.
Anyway, everybody be schwifty out there, see you next week.