Spent most of the morning trying to reproduce the config sheet issue. Couldn't do it. So bizarre. Cloned, rebooted, the whole nine yards. Tried to figure out what I had been doing at that time to make it happen, didn't come up with much.
Then spent the afternoon automating my excel spreadsheet. Actually got it to work, for a wonder. With the click of a button I can pull the failed test cases off into another document all together. Pretty neat actually.
Went to the bank, shopping but I didn't need much this week (and they were out of tissues? Huh?)
Then over to see my parents, had a yummy fish, and got four bags of litter from my father. Slightly odd perhaps but you had to be there.
Back here I had a ton of calls because the phone kept ringing. I added another one for Sunday and have four total for tomorrow. I got the switch in for York so I'll pop that over there. Put the battery in for the lady who was freaking out about pressing a key on her keyboard to dismiss the low voltage warning, bring the laptop back to car guy, and a cleanout I think?
Also got in another gift so that's almost all done.
Worked on chapter 243. It's going to be a long one!
Got more done in the morning than I anticipated. Started right at 8:00 to get my leaves done, and hauled a bunch of them out to the road. They were still dry and easy to move so I simply blew half of them into a line, moved the line, and then did the other half. Then did the front just by blowing them all the way up. It was very nice out, near 70. Even took my jacket off. Yes, me, the king of jackets!
With that done a strong wind blew and basically scattered a ton of them off the tree and into the distance. I was walking up the driveway when I saw it. It was soooooo pretty! Imagine birds taking off, but it was leaves fluttering away. I really wished I had my camera. It was neat.
Of course, by the time the day was done it looked like I hadn't done them at all. Sigh. But at least they're all down now. Of course it's far too wet and nasty to do anything to them at this point.
Yes, the temps plummeted today. Near 70 to currently 41. Rainy too.
Anyway, had an hour so I decided to put the christmas lights up. Got that done just in time to leave. Shoot, forgot to see what they looked like in the darkness of getting home. It's too nasty to go out now, and I have a kitten on my lap so…
Went to my first appointment, bringing the laptop back. He admitted to not even trying to program his stupid little boxes with the newer laptop, I guess preferring to simply use the old junker? I showed him how to basically ladle soup from a pot to a bowl, or in other words how to move a single file to a flash drive and then back. For an hour. 30 years, people, that's how long we've had the GUI. You think they would have learned by now.
Back to have fish, then out again.
Went to see the lawyer's secretary, she couldn't reproduce any of her issues! Wonderful. I updated her foxit reader, maybe that'll help? Started her vista laptop updating. Check again in 48 hours or so, sucker.
Then to the book ladies. They gave me a copy of the book I put together. The printing was awful. It almost looks like they didn't use grayscale, but rather black and white halftone. And low resolution at that. I shouldn't have spent all that time making them look as good as I did, I guess. Ah well, I couldn't do a crappy job, no matter that others did. Really wish they had sent a proof copy before the printing. To me, I mean. They did some weird stuff, like shrinking the images, but then they had more white space on the page. And I admit now seeing the way I had done the page numbering that some of them would have looked odd. I corrected it, not that anyone will ever ask for the PDF again. But just for my own sake. Ugh, the more I look at it the uglier it gets. I'm setting it down.
Put in the battery, helped the other lady update office, and that was that there.
Then back to york, put in the switch I got, corrected the number of colors on the screen, and did not see the cute girl or the not cute girl. Neither was there. Sigh. Well, figured out why the new account I made last time didn't want to send, and that was that.
Back here, I finished up chapter 234 (it's a double chapter in the end) and watched the next episode (sorry, skip, it's a Tyr episode and it wouldn't have happened without him) the next-next episode of Andromeda.
Oh joy of joys!
Woke up to a wet, rainy, yucky day, and viewed my websites. Put in the latest Susan corrections and went out to clean the back gutters given the rain had stopped and the leaves are just about off the tree.
Decided to get the leaves off the driveway at least, the wet, yucky, heavy leaves I might add.
And while I was out it started to SNOW! Yay! *hurling sound*
Had all of fifteen minutes before I had to leave again once that was done.
That was an easy one, and she had basically figured out the problem before I arrived. It wasn't connected to the router anymore, as she had gotten a new one. It was a simple matter to connect it once again, and I came home.
I listed to Christmas music on the way home, and already heard a song that I've heard this year. I think it was this morning. Sigh.
Proofed the last chapter and thought about next episodes.
Still snowing.
Was snowy and yucky all day. Even had to do the driveway when I got home.
Work was kinda slow. I did figure out how to reproduce the feature being listed as "not installed" on the report. It's just a matter of timing, basically taking it out before the report has printed. So it really wouldn't be seen by those that shouldn't.
We got John back, apparently to help out with office depot. He was back in the other lab though.
Made some improvements to my excel VBA script. It wasn't getting everything, and I added the blocked ones as well as the failed ones. Nifty.
Not much else, had to put the machine back to the Thursday build after loading the friday one because he wanted the wipe customer data tested again. Spoiler- still doesn't work.
Came back here, did the driveway, ate dinner. Checked sites. Worked a little on the next chapter.
Got no calls, but then got stuck on the phone for an hour and a half troubleshooting some ancient HP laser jet 6 that windows didn't want to talk to. He was on a stupid verizon connection so I couldn't remote in, and I wasn't going over there- ever- because he's an hour away. 45 minutes from work, so that's nearly 2 hours travel time. No. Just no.
And the laptop guy showed up unannounced so I had to try putting his laptop back together while talking to printer guy. So fun. I suppose he could have tried to call and it was busy, but still. Not cool guy.
And then it was 9:00 and I found an email from book guy "oh, I don't know what you used but it's unusable because of missing or duplicate things." Dude, if you don't want to pick up the proof copy I'll happily make, or if I did and you approved it, than don't come whining to me about stuff you find later. So by then I was rather annoyed and in no mood to continue the chapter. Thanks, universe. Appreciate it.
Not much excitement at work today. Had stupid early meeting with India, they didn't really need me there.
Wrote up one bug, but closed another similar one, so that was a net gain of nothing.
Loaded one of the machines with the build we chose for AT&T in case they want us to reproduce something, but it was fairly quiet. Tomorrow I expect will be even more so.
Sorted out our papers again, try not to mess them up again, people!
Went to my tuneup job, no big deal there. Got their printer back on the network, ran the standard scans.
Back here ate dinner, checked sites, made appointment for Friday, yay.
Finished the chapter, read it over. Getting close to the end for Andromeda!
Talked to printer guy, it keeps jamming and not in the good way. But I got his other stuff squared away, and in less than a half an hour tonight too. Yay.
Nothing for tomorrow I guess, other work wise. I could go see book guy, but nah.
Got an email about reviving my checkbook program, apparently it's not compatible with the latest Mac OS X. :-( So I spent a bunch of time at work investigating doing it over in livecode. It's simple enough after all, but the way livecode does certain things…
And the crashing. Oh my goodness the crashing.
Figured out it was on old clone file making the machine loose the admin password, so after another reload that problem went away.
Came back here and worked on the bankbook 3 project some more.
Happy Turkey eating day!
Worked on the bankbook 3 code in the morning. Put in the menus, and started coding printing. UGh. As with the original, no shortcuts there. I basically have to build the page one line at a time. Got it looking almost okay, but have to find out how to set it to a monospaced font just like I did before.
Went to my parent's house for turkey eating. Then absolutely destroyed them in Ticket To Ride by getting the lowest score. Seriously, I lost over 30 points in the endgame. Wait, that can't be right, we were playing for lowest or highest score, I forget. And shortest train, because mine was shortest by like 7. Weird.
Thanks to my mother and sister (oh that pie!) for another great Thanksgiving meal, and let's do it again next year.
Came back, got printing to work! Yes!
Aaaand it's bedtime. Still, I go with a lighter heart knowing I got that code working. Looks exactly like the old printed report, so we're not losing functionality. That's key.
So far today I've worked on the bankbook 3 app and did one job.
Got the reconcile code working, and even better than it was working before! It's now more "live" meaning you can hit the checkboxes and they'll update the total, and you can enter things that are not in the list. Neat! Got that done just as it was time to leave.
His only issue was resetting his bank password. Sigh. Ah well, it was easy enough and I came back here. Realized I hadn't posted this, and now I am doing so.
Rest of today: Call book guy, go shopping, more work on bankbook 3. Oh, and putting the tree up.
Nothing for the weekend yet. Hopefully should be pretty quiet. Which would be a change.
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, see you all next week, one week closer to present day!
Well I mean it's always the present day. But by present day I mean- you know what I mean!