Couple of jobs, one which made Hulk angry.
The first was at 12:00, that one was fine. Just making sure he machine was running okay, answering some questions, that sort of thing.
The books came. A glorious stack of 6 books. I casually flipped through them and found more errors, weeeee.
I'll go though them (again) in print, make the corrections, order a new set to sell and the hardcovers, and call it done.
The 5:00 one was the icky one. An XP machine using over a GB of RAM.
Spent until 6:30 trying various stuff. Oh, but I did stop a 6:00 to call the lady with the laptop, to tell her how to make a new account and erase her old one. She didn't bring it with her wherever she was, so that didn't work out so well.
Anyway, came back in time to make dinner for Dad, we watched the edited Star Wars Episodes 1-3 smushed into one movie. It was decent. Imagine, taking three sort of crappy movies and making one slightly acceptable movie out of them. Huh.
Then did more proofing.
Finished the proofing of Lonely Divide, and made a book out of it. I'll order the copies when I get the next set of Demongate books.
Got the laptop from forgetful lady.
It's locked down so far she can't do anything, even install a single program. So she couldn't wipe out her user and I couldn't install ccleaner to get rid of her temp files automatically. So I had to go through it manually and get everything off it.
The other laptop I ran two different scans on and both found crap in there. I also reloaded the wireless drivers. That got the RAM usage to around 500mb at least, and the network doesn't drop, so I'm calling it a win.
Stupid PCs.
Went to Sean's. Won a game and lost two of Quantum, which reminded me of dice.
We were supposed to do DgH but we did not. We did have a cookout.
Sean/Stan left at 8:00 as Sean hadn't gotten much sleep at that point.
Got back into playing Path of Exile.
Let the cats out into the garage, not five minutes later the door was up and they were both outside. I caught them just after it opened so they hadn't gone anywhere. I moved the control I suspect they were hitting to raise it while climbing to the upper beams. Also cleaned up the box containing the old bags of fertilizer the house came with, that someone (I suspect Squeaker) was peeing in. Put the fertilizer in a metal garbage can, really need to throw some of it around to use it up.
Grass didn't grow much, didn't cut it.
No work for tomorrow? I'm returning the laptop Tuesday. No, wait, I am delivering one of my monitors to a guy tomorrow, his is shot. So I do have a job.
Huh, what will I do with myself?
Went shopping, of course! Well, it is Monday. No surprises there.
Played a bit of Path.
Remembered the steam sale! Remembered there was one game I wanted, Last Dream, and it was 50% off, making it all of $5.00. Sold.
Started playing that. I don't know if I'm in the wrong area or what, but even on easy that game is kicking my butt. Seriously. It's only because I grinded my fighter up 4 levels past everyone I was able to get him out of the forest at all and back to town. (If you only have 1 person in your party, they get all the XP. Otherwise it gets split among the party members.)
Also found out the microsoft controller I bought at the ABC sale is crap. No really. It has the directional pad at a weird angle so I was constantly moving in the wrong direction. Plugged in my Macally iShock controller from… uh… 15 years ago? I got it with Sean when we bought USB PCMCIA cards for our G3 powerbooks. Figured out the bizarre key control interface for the game and got it just the way I wanted. Sheesh. Man, now I want to play Future Cop again.
Oh yeah, did a job. Got the monitor hooked up. His machine had a 20GB hard drive. And he wondered why it was full. Uh, dude, you can buy new hardware before the old stuff breaks.
*looks at iShock*
I mean, certain things just need to be replaced every so often, you know? That machine was painful to try and use.
Have two "jobs" for tomorrow, something about a camera down the street and returning the laptop.
So the two jobs went.
And I got a third that went.
Yeah, those aren't typos, unlike all the stuff I've found in book one, reading it again. Sigh.
Anyway, the first job involved some frustration. His USB hub is busted, that made his camera not work, that was easy enough to troubleshoot. However his hard drive with the flakey connector wasn't cooperating. I left disk check looking into it for a couple of hours, and when I came back it was mounted, and seemed to copy back and forth, but said it couldn't repair the drive. I don't know. I'm ordering him a new cable in any case. (It's one of those stupid long USB 3 ones.)
Returning the laptop at 1:00 went fine.
The 5:30 one was trying to save some chats between their teenage daughter and some guy. But it turned out they weren't chats, they were done in google hangouts. You could see them, but not really export them or anything. I tried for like an hour, believing they were chats, to do chat related things with them. No dice. Finally I realized they were hangouts stuff, when I tried just copying one out and it just kept going and going and going. So trying to save a copy of them would be… not impossible, but extremely time consuming. So that ended with me not doing that.
Otherwise, did a little reading of book 1 (rereading) and playing Last Dream. Got past the forest with levels, and now walk around stomping everything to paste. I love being overpowered for the area I'm in.
Busy day planned tomorrow.
Day went pretty well, for being so busy.
First one was just taking care of a few issues. Like hidden toolbars, because yeah, that was an excellent idea, microsoft. Let's let part of our UI be hidden, but give no indication how it happened or how to get it back! Brilliant!
Right after that the auto guy, took care of various things for him, as well.
The afternoon featured two clean outs, a 3.0ghz P4 that really needs to be retired and a newer one I just needed to check over because the lady scammed herself. She actually called the random number on her screen to "fix" the fake problems the fake program showed her. She gave them access to the machine and everything.
Then back here, several calls, a few that went on and on. Had to switch someone from chrome to firefox for their credit union as the "call me" button wasn't working. It worked on firefox. But the AOL mail started giving some weird error when she logged into that on firefox. AARG.
So now she has both.
Had several calls today, but only made one appointment for tomorrow.
Then went to feed the kitties, came home and went to bed.
Three in the end today. The first one at 11:00 was just setting up a new machine. That went fine.
Then I came back here at 1:00 to eat, and called the desktop guy. Got his desktop back and then went out to see a guy with internet trouble. Odd issue, he could get the IP address of google, but not ping it. Had some trouble getting the updates for mbam to run a scan. Why they don't have an official "here's how to download the latest updates offline" method is beyond me. Anyway, I got that scan and a combofix scan done, and that seemed to do it.
Came back here, ate dinner, then made some phone calls.
Looking to days to come, I have some jobs in the afternoon tomorrow, and looking forward to game Saturday. I'm providing dinner. Hopefully we'll get somewhere in the plot, unlike last week.
Somewhat nice out, but not really as warm as it should be for summer, I think.
Anyway, get out there and enjoy it, this week's blog is now done.