Well, it wasn't that many. But it is nice to see a few.
Went over to the Radison, took the one minute to hook up the switch she had and get her printer working. Then I sat and read in the parking lot until it was time to see my buddy bruce. Got his money, and went over to pick up his laptop, which I did. Amazing. Got it home, copied the stuff from his old machine, secured it, looks good.
Had four calls at that point, one person I had just met a few days ago who had shoulder surgery, so she wasn't up to me looking at her machine then. (It was across the street from someplace I was) So she called and said her internet was out, and I went over there to see what else was wrong with her machine. AVG the biggest culprit. Oh, and you're using AOL. How quaint. Yes, that puts her at over 75 years old, how did you guess? So I got it working a little faster and that was that.
When I got back I had four calls again, so much for getting things done before the weekend.
So I get to give bruce his machine tomorrow, and have one before that. Have to call the outreach center, she was going to be there friday, so if I can reach her and get there around 9:30 I should be able to do all three things easy.
Yeah, like anything's easy.
Two now for saturday, one at 10:30 and at 3:00, then the Perfect Horizon game over at Sean's. The usual time, I guess, it's not been discussed.
OMAHA STEAKS called me twice today. Very persistent, they've called once a day like all this week. Guess who's going on the blacklist?
Played some Fallout 3 last night, oh yeah, "old school". Trying to get those expansions Mizzy gave me like a year ago played.