So the garage sale was a pretty good success story all around. Money was made, possessions were sold, space was cleared. We were kind of worried as hordes of suck- I mean customers weren't lined up at the door at the start, but it turns out you don't need hordes, only one guy who walks in and says "I want that, and that, and that, and that and... here's a huge stack of cash." I wonder if anyone's ever gone into a household sale, bought a bunch of stuff for a ton of money, then gone back with a mask on in half an hour with a gun and demanded the cashbox? They get the stuff, and the money back. Seems logical to me- from a criminal point of view, I mean.
Odd how sitting around can allow these little mind plays to strut about the stages of the mind, hum?
So I was a little worried, but everything was fine! They found a mouse nest under one thing, and more nasties on the wall, and oh, there need to be electrical outlets every so many feet? Guess what? Another thing to put on the list of stuff to do. But it's over, the house in emptier, now we start the renovation project.
Oh yeah, and grandma fell twice in two days, once from a sitting position reaching for something, and once sitting down. How do you fall out of a chair? A big comfy chair, at that. Weird.
The Hackintosh is running well. Sure, it's not perfect, but who needs perfection when you have a machine that can turn a 3 hour Tenchi DVD into a 3 hour mp4 file in less then a hour? All four processors were pegged, and that thing was just whipping! Just that one disk would have taken a night on the iMac, I did 4.2 disks in an evening! (disk 5 only had one episode) Now that's a speedy machine. Sure, it's stuck on 1024x768 and I had to plug my iMic in to get sound. Oh, and when I shut down, it starts back up again so I have to hit the power button during the BIOS screen, and it hangs if I put it to sleep. But I've ordered a video card that I'm told works better, and the rest is minor, so at the moment I'm still hopeful it'll work out. I don't think I'll get rid of the iMac I have, I'll need a backup in case an update takes it down (though I'll be careful of course).
So today was cleaning a bit, watching the rest of Tenchi I didn't watch yesterday, and phone calls. Busy tomorrow, and have a couple spread over the week already, to boot. I know, it doesn't sound like much, I got up much later then usual, I guess I needed more sleep then I thought.
Game on Saturday was worthless. We tried to get back into Demongate High, but we started 2 hours late, and... nothing really happened. Then Heather called to ask if I would walk the dog at 5:00 so I left before it was done. Walked the dog, came back. Oh well, guess I didn't miss much.
October begins, I guess. I'll be hearing Rudolph and Silent Night before I know it!