Yesterday was some bizarre stuff. The first one was about a guy with two routers, because he has a big house and needs to reach it all. So the machine in the kitchen (yes, he could have just one laptop, but he has three machines. Must be nice) that was plugged in via cable and the laptop in the bedroom had the same problem. They could ping via IP address, but not hostname. I messed with DNS this and settings that, no luck. The kitchen one seemed fine when plugged into the wall, which directly goes to the first router. So I took the thing home and plugged it in here. Thus far, no problems. Could two win7 machines develop the same internet issue at once? That seems unlikely.
Next up, the cat puke keyboard. It's a laptop, and she "usually leaves the cover closed but this time I didn't." and I guess the cat decided that would be an excellent place to cough up a stomach surprise. So it burned that out. I got it off there and gave her a USB keyboard, which works fine, so I'll just order a new one (well, I already did to tell the truth) so that's fine.
Then over to one that wouldn't power on. Two power supplies later, it still wouldn't. So I declared it a loss. Took everything out, checked for bad caps, everything seemed fine. Oddly, with her power supply plugged in, there was no little "I'm ready" LED lit in the case. When I plugged mine in, there was the little light, but no action. My guess is Mr. power supply bit the dust and took the rest of the PC with it. Too bad. Wait, what am I saying, it's a PC. BURN SUCKER!
Then the only one I actually got paid for, an unscheduled trip to Santa lane, as I was passing the street and I hadn't reached the lady that lived there in many days. But she was there, hurray! Her printer... was working fine. I once again showed her how to use Virtual PC so she could use her ancient version of AutoCAD, whatever.
Also stopped on the way home to see the lawyer's secretary, just showing her how to scan with her new machine. Then home.
Forget exactly what I worked on, probably a little of the DGH game for Friday, I know I started the little fake-y flyer I want to give them. For realism. In a made up world. In my head. Yeah. Did spend at least a half hour trying to get someone connected to their new wireless, but somehow it just didn't want to cooperate. Weird. Is the router defective? Could be. Played a little more Borderlands. Went to bed.
I hadn't gotten many calls, so this morning I didn't have much. Finished up the flyer, printed it. Finalized tomorrow's game. Made a call or two. Went out to see about a BSOD, my first morning call, picked up a router I would need later right before that. Didn't see any BSOD but did see Avast! was two years out of date. Ran chkdsk, updated stuff, the usual. Then my actual appointment I scheduled, setting up said router, installing skype, and trying to find a CS2 serial number so he could get the upgrade price on photoshop CS5. But he's associated with a university, so we managed to get him a better version for the same price. Go me! Of course he's running 10.4 on his MacBook, so that'll have to be updated before he can even use it, but that's only another $30.
Back home. Dinner. Printed the game stuff, finished the book that needs to go back to Sean. Still some bumps that are driving me nuts where I got bit, days ago. I don't even touch them, but they are really starting to annoy me. I tell a lie, they've been annoying me for days!
7 calls tonight? Seesh. Booked tomorrow and one for saturday morning. No big deal. I hope. Going to grandma's early, pull some weeds. But pizza at Sean's so no staying for dinner! Awwwww. She's having more trouble keeping her checkbook lately. *shakes head* Use it or lose it people.