Today's Topic: Bananas. White fruit. Yellow Skin. Basically clones? You know them right? So today I bought eight bananas. Counted um twice, I did. Eight big ol bananas. I paid one dollar for these bananas. (plus ten cents, but we'll call it even) One. Dollar. Now this blows my mind. How can this be true? Okay, first you have the fruit growers, obviously they need to pay someone to harvest the fruit. Let's pretend they get an honest wage, okay? Then comes the shipping of the fruit to the shore. This shipment company needs to be paid. Then it's loaded on a boat and brought to our country. This boat company needs to paid. Now it's loaded off the boat and onto trucks. These trucks bring the fruit to the store. (pay the truck drivers) Then it needs to be put out on the store floor. (pay the store putter outer) And finally I get to put it in my kart, I mean cart, and give the cashier (pay the cashier) a buck.
Now, take the iTunes music store. Here we have a song, right? Last song I bought was... *checking* Fireflies by Owl City. (don't judge me) It too cost me that buck. Now, Apple pays for bandwidth, right? And no matter if they use 1/10 or 99/100 of that they pay the same thing, yes? (I think this is true) So basically my downloading that song from them didn't cost them anything. A machine digitized it, not a person, so I guess they had to pay for electricity? That's a few tenths of a penny for the power it used. Oh, but wait, they only had to do that once, and they can sell it a billion times. So averaged out, they paid nothing. So, basically, I can get a digital download or eight bananas for the same price, so why are traditional media producers always trying to raise prices? They made apple raise eBook prices, which again cost them nothing for millions of copies sold.
Seems to me there's some inefficiencies there they should talk to the banana people about. Because digital downloads should be, like, pennies. Because even after I've eaten the bananas, I can turn the skins into compost and grow beautiful flowers or other fruits or something with it. Can't do that with a digital music download.
Though I suppose you could do it to a music label exec after you're done with him... :-)
Pretty normal monday, went shopping, still can't use my card at the pump. Last time I got $20.00 worth and got up to 3/4 of a tank. So this time, being about down the same amount, I put in $30, but had to get $8 back, and the freaking gauge still wasn't totally at the full mark. Stupid, freaking...
First job was just a cleanout. No problem.
Saw the used car dealer guy, who insists on saving 30GB of email going back to 2004. So I had to try and get thunderbird to like it again. (this is the guy I replaced the HD for on Saturday). He had a chibi-kuruma! Exactly like mine! I admit I got a funny little feeling inside, knowing there was still one out there that's drivable. I should have said, "gimme that chibi-kuruma or your data gets it!" but he wouldn't know what I was talking about, I guess because he's dumb or something? Or he doesn't read this blog, which all smart, beautiful people do (that's you) so who wants his old chibi-kuruma anyway*. *cries* Anyway, that took way too long, so by the time I got home it was time for dinners.
Whole bunch of phone calls again today, but a couple were just questions, so I have booked tomorrow and part of wednesday, and not all of this week already like I feared. So that's good.
Well, there's some beta playing to do, because it won't play itself, so I'd better go.
You? Go eat a banana or something. Or I'll see you online, or not, because I'm totally assassinating you from behind because that's my