That one thing was my chair. See, I have been having trouble with it not moving properly, which I thought was just the rug not letting it move. But I looked closely at it, and it turns out not to be the rug after all. Apparently, the legs are plastic. They are held to the central post by friction. The plastic has cracked, and this has allowed the legs to slide up, meaning the post is now sitting on the floor. So I'm trying to move the entire chair because the weight is on the post, not the legs. I tried banging it with a hammer, but it's wedged there, so I'm not sure what next step to take.
So what did I do with myself, as I had no "legitimate" work? Worked on the new website to replace smoonstore.com! At first I was looking all around at different sites to see what I wanted it to look like, but then I got a good idea- just base it off the current blog! So I took the way the blog looks, and modified the page to have other content. I think it looks pretty good. I've greatly simplified it, as there's no more store, and many of the OS X programs I've written are just too old to put back up (or not useful anymore). Also I've just archived the comic into one big zip file and said "yeah, if you want to read it, here it is". I may change my mind about that one though, it might not be too hard to modify the page to put it up once again. The titles are in a SQL database though, which I wouldn't use again, but I guess they could live without the titles. We'll see, I still have time to think about it. You can take a look for yourself, right around here. Other sections like the comparison of the various sailor moon video games I'm sure no one cares about, so they're just getting dropped. But it would be easy enough to add pages to it, if I decide I want something back. I did make a couple of changes to the blog, too, maybe you noticed?
Got a couple of calls, but nothing too major. Tomorrow I have some work, then Friday the big excitement is taking the car in and going to Sean's for a hopefully better game. Then there's something Saturday... can't quite remember. I'm sure it's not a big deal though.
Won Bioshock last night. Whew, that ending scene will stay with me. I feel bad though, I lost two Little Sisters on the way out, one I'm not even sure how. But I saved the rest, yes I did. So there.
Started Assassins Creed 2, it was annoying me at first. "Oh, race you to the top of that church." Fine. So I lose. And Lose. And then I win! But I lost? What? Oh, apparently, just getting to the roof wasn't good enough for you, I had to get to a certain spot on the roof. Whatever.
Worked on the Bankbook program tonight, someone mailed me that when they tried to print it hung up. So I messed about with the printing code to see if I could make it better. Hopefully solved it.
Dinner tonight was my super secret recipe salmon patties which were, as usual, delicious. I made extras to bring over to Mom, so she can have something I made for a change. She has a cold now, to go along with her broken ankle, so she needs all the help she can get.