[[image:rocketsurgery_1.jpg:Rocket Surgery:center:0]] Now, here's a lady who is obviously smart enough to master communication skills enough to write a letter. But somehow, still stupid enough to be unable to walk to her nearest lamp and check this wacky screwing in thing for herself!?!?!?!?!? The mind reels. So, the weekend is over and another long, cold, dark, hopeless week of february begins. Perhaps we'll get lucky and the temps will SURGE to near THIRTY sometime this week. It'll be like paradise! If you're a penguin, or a polar bear. Anyway, anything exciting happen? I ran Sprite World for like the second time. Finally. Only six months or so since the last game. But we finally finished what I had planned for the first adventure. Hashed out some rule changes, used the new character sheets, that sort of thing. With everyone else unavailable we'll probably do it again next week. I pieced together something of a "plot" between the drive home last night... I mean this morning, some thinking later this morning, and writing it up this evening. I saw a taped up fortune cookie on saturday that read "Anyone who goes to bed on the same day they got up is a quitter." How true! Friday was best forgotten. Didn't follow the schedule much at all, but it worked out I guess. Friday at Sean's was Demon Gate High, we beat up the guy sending Vessels against us. I was kind of worried, but it turned out we took them with ease, as usual. Saturday I did my one scheduled thing, called three more people, booked one for Monday and got the other two done. Then back to Sean's for Sprite World and the Marvel game I got with my new xbox. Had to at least try it, right? Three player co-op, so we all got to play which is a plus. Then today, with the normal cleaning up and such. Two more comics done, two more comics closer to the end. Got two record recordings turned into mp3 files, thank you audacity. Worked a tiny bit on the secret project #2, very close to completion there. Read a little. Typed up the "plot". Busy day, though it didn't really seem it. Twenty minutes till phone calls. Not looking forward to it. I have twelve as of now. *shakes head* honestly. Have to buy a new pair 'o shoes tomorrow, mine kinda sorta fell apart on me saturday. Anyone need a perfectly good left shoe? :-) Otherwise, just standard shopping stuff. Have to spend my $30 staples ink thingy I finally got. Not sure if I'll get a book out of the library, I'm not quite done with Olympus, but I'm more then half way. We'll see. Well, time to psyche myself up for calls! GO TEAM!