Just hitting some highlights, the weekend was at once quite busy and quite relaxed at the same time. I wanted to get a bunch of things done, but they were things I could do at my own pace. Had dinner at Grandma's friday night which went well. Had tasty cake, baclava and ice cream for desert. No calories, I checked. Got to tell the story of the books I ordered for Mom that never came, and then got reordered, and one never came. Otherwise a good time. Then to Sean's. Other Sean had a bit of a cold, the jerk. We began our assault on the wizards tower and reached the top. Not sure how we're going to proceed, there's a whole ton of Orcs with bows shooting us from atop a spiral staircase in a big circle. Maybe we can bring the floor down out from under them. We'll see. Over the next two days I got the three awesome christmas cards for my family done. That took a while. But I think it worked out perfectly, so it was worth it. Who else can combine zombies and santa I ask you? Nobody, that's who. Even did some reading. Most times I read it's in little snatches when I get a few minutes, what a joy to actually sit down and just read a whole bunch. Came up with 16 questions for the christmas eve game. Played some Zelda. That game I can only take so much of. Honestly, after the third time auto-jumping into lava because I got a little too close to the edge of something trying to *look around* I just have to set the controller down. In a game like L4D or Halo you mess up, you know it's your fault. Oh, there were more enemies then I anticipated. Oh, I didn't use cover well enough. Oh, I ran ahead of the group. You go down, you know it was because you did something stupid. Not because the game decided you were trying to jump and throw you into lava repeatedly. Apart from that I like the game, but honestly, games like Metroid and Zelda were way, way, way better 2d. I enjoyed myself playing Zelda 3 way more then this one because I wasn't constantly having to adjust the stupid camera, or fight the system, or worry about falling off the world. What else? Cleaning, of course. Got a surprise call Saturday to go over to Sean's again to take care of my solo adventures with both Carlita and Albert. Both went ok, but again I did some stupid things and in hindsight I had no one to blame but myself. But I survived, and that's the main thing. I was up against some pretty powerful foes. Also got to see a J.I.Joe movie and do more zombie killing in Onechanbara. Kind of a bizarre game, only part of it is multiplayer, so player 2 gets to sit around and watch for a large portion of it. Dumb. Also the person that decided vertical splitscreen was the way to go should be hacked in half with a sword- vertically. While I was out I got a cookie delivery, which is an excellent service if you find it in your area. (Mine comes courtesy of Mom, so YMMV) 8 calls over the weekend, thanks so much. Monday and Tuesday booked now. Super. I want to continue reading so that's it for now.