But five none the less. My 3:00 canceled on me, so I called the guy for the laptop and got him done. But as always I'm getting ahead of myself. First was a Sister. She's paying for both RR and juno dial up. I only ascertained this when she asked if this machine was connected to RR. I'm like, no, you are using crappy Juno dial up, why? She had a laptop in the other room connected to both dial up and RR. Juno was set to dial out, too, and I can see windows being dumb enough to route through dial up even when a high speed connection is available. I switched it over and told her to just use IE. Just made it to my 11:30. Having trouble with wireless, her antenna plastic thingy was broken, in the upright position it didn't get a signal at all. I stuck it straight out and it was happy-happy. So that went well. Over to a guy trying to use the XP scanning software with his HP printer on Vista. The HP website to this day says, yeah, it doesn't work, try this instead. Great, thanks. Then the laptop guy. Had a bit-o-time so came back home. Did part of an email adventure with sean/neil because we are going through the maze to look for Ewen and so it's a couple of separate adventures. Checked my webpages, etc. Then went out. It was a place I had just been, I forgot to move their address book/mail over. Dumb of me, I know. I thought they wanted their mail but they didn't, just the address book. So I could have told them how to do it over the phone. But I needed another twenty minutes of driving each way, so... *this was sarcasm* Came back, ate dinner. Five calls today, but I managed to help two out over the phone. One was just, "unplug your router" and the other I helped through the excellent screen sharing feature of skype to get his skype microphone setting correct. Still, I have tomorrow booked, four for thursday, one for friday, three for saturday, and one for Monday! Need I remind you it's only Tuesday? One person is bringing his machine here. So there's even more fun in store. And there's a "WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY" and "THE GREATEST AMOUNTS OF SNOW ARE EXPECTED IN THE FINGER LAKES AND ROCHESTER AREA." for tomorrow! Then we'll have some high winds! FANTASTIC. *this also was sarcasm* Really should work on the comic, I want to save Sunday for sewing. Thus, perhaps I will!