Relating to my odometer. As part of the whole keeping track of car usage for business purposes thing, my mother suggested just writing down the miles NOT work related, as that's easier then doing it for every little job. (As there are very few places I go outside of jobs) So I reset the trip meter so I could see how far I drove to the store and back (8 miles) and what do you know, the tenth indicator popped up! I guess it goes away when you reach 1000 miles? (it was over 3000 at the time). So that's a good plus.
The minus is that my car insurance payment went up. I got the mail at 5:30, as I sometimes forget it, so it was too late to call my agent but come on. I'm driving a safer car, and it's still me driving, so why are my rates going up? Doesn't make sense.
I wanted to say a bit a few days ago about this weird Census thing that's going on now, but this rockwood comic said it better.
To further the madness, today in the mail I got a postcard, telling me I should have gotten a Census! So that's a letter telling me I'm going to get it. The actual thing, and now this. *shakes head* Don't have to wonder about that budget deficit anymore.
Anyway, just worked on grandma's co-op book code today after the store. (8 miles) Got done around 5:30... hey, that sounds familiar. Got it working exactly the way I wanted it. It sorts itself, it's easier to use, hopefully I can stop hearing about it. Every. Single. Time. I. Go. Over. There.
Did get to play some borderlands last night, so that was fun. Got four calls, but one just wants to move the appointment for tomorrow, so that doesn't count. Thanks for the break!
Still loving my new shelves.
[[image:newbatteries.png:New Batteries:center:0]]