Latest Entry:
So Karen, at about 3:00, said to ignore the SSO stuff and do the
rest of the testing. So that will happen Monday.
Did my "performance goals" because someone finally pushed them down
to us, they are due Monday.
Finished the chapter.
Ate the last mac and cheese. Sad.
Did the shopping, went to the bank. Saw my parents.
On the way home, 6 deer crossed the road in front of the car in
front of me. Be safe, deers!
Checked sites, put stuff away. Then did game. Almost got through the
next dungeon. It's getting faster, that's for sure.
Why is my home insurance double this year?? It went from $800 to
Called the insurance company. Talked to the robot. Talked to the
person that answered that (obviously) couldn't do anything and
transferred me. But the nice lady I talked to said my cost to repair
had gone up to $300,000 which was double what it was last year.
Cripes! Prices better start coming down soon, Drumpy, you promised.
It wasn't just eggs. I mean I didn't vote for you because you're a
Nazi sympathizer loving dirtbag but you did make certain promises.
I'm just saying.
Anyway. Updating the policy and then rewriting the policy to the
latest rates brought the bill down to $1000. That's easier to
swallow. I guess.
So thanks, kind phone lady!
Oh, and speaking of phone I had to use my cell because my home phone
is out again. Yes, yes again. It's so reliable now, it makes me want
to switch to an even more fragile technology, that of a thin, glass,
Anyway, that was the first two hours of the day. I'm going back to
Ah, as if.
Did the paperwork.
Sent in the yearly sales tax. Please enjoy my $181 NYS, don't spend
it all in one place.
FF7 of course.
Then left for Sean's. I don't feel we got very far. We still have no
idea where the big bad is going to be, or what to do about him
should we even catch up to him. The library we went to was a
complete bust, the only saving grace was it had someone inside that
named dropped a few other people to talk to, and saved us
the trip walking over there.
Did the usual readings for the day.
Ate lunch.
Then made a mess of food. My favorite soup for lunches, my egg (oh,
the luxury!) for the morning, and even a few dinners. Of course I
will still eat what my mother gave me, don't get me wrong. But now I
have plenty to eat, so take that, free food I don't get out of the
garbage anymore.
Now what game should I play.....
After that, and yes I'm not through the current area yet. It's
sooooo big. And some areas you can only reach by bouncing on
mushrooms? Which is not always obvious where that comes from? They
are on the map though, so once I realized that it helped a bit.
Had some of my soup for dinner. So good! I put in the exact amount
of Don's pepper mix it needed. Just enough spice, it's so good
Got ready for tomorrow. No calls, phone still doesn't work. They
were supposed to come Saturday but didn't. Sweet.
I did call the laptop lady, letting her know I have a tracking
number and delivery date now. Finally. After 3 weeks.
Caught mouse #3 at last! Heard the trap go off, so they didn't have
time to escape. Set it up again though, we'll see if someone else
visits tonight. Put them in with #3 and they're not fighting or
anything so maybe they did know each other from before. Share the
wheel nicely now!
Caught Mouse #4! Yes, how many mice are in my house? Whoops,
mousetraps are worthless. See, I heard it go off after getting up
around midnight and as I was still awake, went to go check it. There
was a mouse inside. Knowing I had little time I put him on the
table, got the tank down and was going to put them in there. Yes, 3
mice, 1 tank. I didn't know if it was sustainable but it got him out
of the kitchen.
And didn't the little blighter pop the door open and speed away to
parts unknown? Yes. Yes they did. Sigh. Maybe make mousetraps where
they can't do that? Seems like the best option to me, but what do I
Anyway, did some work at work, strange feeling I know. Got the
machine set up and did the OneDrive test. Oh, what's that? A
"secret" expired 19 minutes into the test, halting it? So great.
It's like a cert but it's just a number. How can a number expire?
It's a number. All this "secrets" this and "expiring" that, is it
really worth it?
Anyway, got a new "secret" from the secret keeper guy and put it in,
so I could continue the test. And continue it I did. Most of the
day. Got it all done but the SSO stuff. Let's never do it again.
Everything worked perfectly by the way, apart from the stuff
I've already told them about like OCR not working and scrolling not
working and on and on.
We were getting the color table stuff, but then we weren't. I didn't
get the full story on that one.
Left for home early because Frontier was on their way. Phone was
already fixed when I got home. He replaced some old connectors in my
house box though, which was nice of him. Then I checked it again.
Still toning. Neat. I'll have to stay a 1/2 hour the next three days
but that fine.
Worked on the next pony episode. Got the map ready and the names and
Solicited opinions on the spells they want to learn next so the
dungeon that does that can be set up. They said they would think
about it. But I got some ideas.
Ate dinner.
Checked sites.
Then FF7.
Put the machine away, that I used for testing yesterday.
Went to the Joe meeting.
Got some machines ready for a color table test. If someone can tell
us how we load the stupid things. Versalink does some weird stuff
and this is one of them.
Then did writing. Wrote the rest of the previous chapter I hadn't
finished because we had stopped, and used up the rest of the content
on this chapter. Up to 50,000 words so far.
Stayed late, so I just need another 1/2 hour to make up the time.
Got oliver's prescription refill paper.
At home, ordered the meds.
Had dinner, checked sites.
Got ready for tomorrow.
Still no news on the color table thing.
Made Oliver's appointment for April 2nd.
In the morning, worked on the dungeon stuff. Got the spells they've
told me they want ready. Wasn't too hard, I was updating the rules
documents and things as they were lagging behind.
Wrote only part of a chapter in the afternoon. My creativity tank
was low I guess.
Lots of rain today, but heavy once I got home.
Stayed the 1/2 hour late.
Checked sites, had dinner. Reached the lady for the laptop, so
that's 1:00 this saturday. Glad to put this behind me.
My other call was the guy that restored his PC. Something about an
error message. Dude, I have never used this software you're talking
about. I can't help you.
Didn't reach him.
Cleaned up around here. Alyx is stopping by tomorrow to witness the
final unicorn build. Really needed to be done, I haven't had my
parents over so it's been a bit lax lately. So silly.
That's basically it. I'll get ready for bed pretty soon.
Caught another mouse last night. That's #4. He's not in the tank.
He's in the small tank. I hate to leave him in there. But three was
already pushing it. (All three run in the wheel at once, somehow)
Mom says they could be released. Seems a bit premature to me.
Spent the morning doing the color table stuff. It took so long
because we really didn't have good directions, the machines didn't
want to cooperate, and in the end the second machine wasn't ready
anyway. The file they gave us was only good for the one. They didn't
say any of that. But at least we have better directions now.
Then finished the chapter. Didn't have the onedrive meeting, but did
have the priority meeting. Most everything coming up is USDA. Huh.
And Joe is retiring finally after labor day. He was going to in 2022
according to my notes. Huh.
Watered the plants. Looked at mouse homes, but anything wire (and I
already have some) they'll just get right out of. I don't know.
Maybe I'll take the "spare" mouse out there tomorrow morning. It's
not going to be too bad the next week or so. The three can hang out
here more.
Ate dinner, checked sites. Made sure the house looked "okay."
Thank you for the birthday gift, Alyx!
I almost finished the unicorn while they were here. Thankfully, I
did not, so Alyx did not see my pathetic struggles. I finally
resorted to hot glue. A piece came off? Hot glue. Eventually, the
pieces stopped falling off. Amazing. I was going to wait, it had
been enough unicorn for one day, but it really needed to go "home"
so nothing knocked into it. So I took the pictures now, so here they
Here's the finished product.
And here it is at home.
Now stay there, don't fall apart, be good, play nicely with the
others and everything will be fine.
So, looking ahead, don't think there's much work tomorrow but you
never know.
Putting in the edits for Library from Alyx. Maybe another chapter,
we'll see.
Shopping. Seeing my parents.
Saturday I have the laptop to deliver. Having my parents over as
it's a no game weekend. Game will be the next few though.
Ugh, losing an hour on Sunday, that'll be fun. Otherwise the normal
stuff. FF7 again I expect.
So that's it. I'll be older when next we meet. So, so much older.
See you then.